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How to add members to a team in Microsoft Teams

An important part of any team are the members. Once you have created a Microsoft Team, customised the settings and set up your channels, you will need to add members to the Team to begin collaborating within the one workspace.

Alternatively, you may choose to add members immediately after a team is created and this works just as well, as you can now work together to identify which channels need to be created and the settings and permissions which may need to be adjusted.

Add members to a Team

Let’s see how you can now add members to a Team and assign permissions as needed.

  1. Select Teams from the sidebar.
  2. Locate the Team you want to add new members to and click the ellipsis () button on the right-hand side of the team name.
Click the ellipsis button to manage the team.
  1. From the options select Add member.
  2. The Add members window will appear:
The add members window will appear to add a member to the team.
  1. Start typing the name or group of those you want to add to the Team.
  2. Their accounts should automatically appear, select their name and press Add.
Start typing the name of the member you wish to add to the team.
  1. Continue until you have added all members as needed.
  2. At this stage you also have the option of changing each members role.
  3. You will see each person is automatically assigned the Member role.
You can choose which role the new member will have within the team.
  1. To change someone to be an Owner of the team, click the role drop down menu.
  2. Click Close to finish.
  3. Check the members within your Team via the ellipsis button for the Team and choose Manage team.
You can view who are members of the team.

Add a guest user

Microsoft Teams allows you to add guest users within your Teams. This allows external parties to participate and collaborate within your organisations’ team. Guest users have different access within the Team than Owners and Members. They cannot upload files but are able to view and edit existing files added by members and can participate in conversations.

To add a guest user:

  1. Locate the Team you want to add the guest member to and click the ellipsis () button on the right-hand side of the team name.
Click the ellipsis button for the Team and choose add member.
  1. From the options select Add member.
  2. The Add members window will appear:
You can add a guest users to your team.
  1. Type the email address of the guest user.
  2. You will be prompted to Add <email address> as a guest, click the option to confirm.
Type in the guest users email address to add them to the team.
  1. Click Add.
  2. They will appear in the members list with the Guest role assigned.
  3. Click Close.
  4. The guest user will now receive an email message advising them that they have been added to a Team in your organisation.

Edit Team Members and Guests

Microsoft Teams allows you to edit existing team members plus add guests who are not part of your immediate organisation.

  1. Select the Team you want to edit
  2. Click the ellipsis (…) button and choose Manage team
  3. You will now see the Members tab displayed in the right pane
You can edit team members and the guests who have access to the team.
  1. All Team Owners will be listed along with a listing of any Members and guests
  2. You can now edit members by adding or removing or you can change their Role within the team

Remove Members or Guests from a team

To remove a member from a team:

  1. Locate the team and click the ellipsis (…) button
Click the ellipsis button to be able to remove members or guests from the team.
  1. From the options select Manage Team
  2. The Members window will appear
  3. Locate the member you want to remove from either the Owners or Members and guests area
From the members tab you can remove members or guests from the team.
  1. Click the X on the far right side of the user information to remove the member
Click the cross to remove a member or guest.

That’s a wrap up on how to add members to a Team using Microsoft Teams. For more Microsoft Teams content click here or comment below with your questions.


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