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How to create a channel in Microsoft Teams

When users begin working with Microsoft Teams, it is important to understand the concept of using channels. The use of channels in Microsoft Teams provides a powerful way to organise conversations, files, and tasks within a team. Channels allow you to keep discussions focused on specific topics or projects, making it easier for team members to collaborate effectively without cluttering up the main team chat.

Microsoft Teams provides several different types of Channels: Standard, Shared and Private.

  • Standard Channel: A Standard Channel is the default type that anyone within the team can access and view. Standard channels are ideal for general conversations, file sharing, and team-wide discussions. They’re open to all members of the team, making it easy for everyone to stay informed and contribute to ongoing projects or announcements.
  • Shared Channel: A Shared Channel allows users to collaborate with people outside the team or even outside the organisation without the need to switch Teams tenants. This channel type is ideal for cross-functional projects where multiple teams need access to the same files, chats, and resources without being added to each other’s main Teams.
  • Private Channel: A Private channel provides a space for more focused conversations among specific team members. Only invited team members can see and participate in private channels, making them useful for discussions that require confidentiality or are limited to a smaller subset of the team.

In previous years, all teams came with a default channel called General. Microsoft however has adjusted this process and now users’ have the ability to provide a custom name for the default channel of a new Team.

Who can create a Channel in Teams?

The ability to create channels in Microsoft Teams is generally determined by the permissions set for each team. By default, both team owners and members have the authority to create, modify, or delete channels within a team. Team owners can control this permission using the Manage team option, where they can specify if members can or cannot create and update channels, and delete or restore channels.

Guest users within a Team have this permissions disabled in Teams, so they cannot create channels unless given specific permissions by the team owner.

Create a Channel in Teams

To create a new channel in Microsoft Teams:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Select Teams from the sidebar.
  3. Locate the Team you want to add a new channel to a click the ellipsis (…) button on the right-hand side of the team name.
From Microsoft Teams, click the ellipsis button next to the Team name.
  1. From the options select Add channel.
  2. The Create a channel window will appear:
The Create a channel window will appear.
  1. Enter a Channel name and Description (optional).
  2. Next you need to Choose a channel type for the new channel.
  3. Select Standard from the drop-down menu.
  4. Lastly you can select whether you would like the new channel to automatically appear in everyone’s channel list by selecting the checkbox.
  5. Click Create once you are finished.
  6. The new channel will be displayed within your Team.
  7. Repeat the process to add more channels.

Rename a channel

Any members of a Team can rename a channel. The only channel that cannot be renamed is the default channel.

  1. Locate the channel in the Team.
  2. Click the ellipsis button (…) and choose Rename channel.
From the menu choose Rename a channel.
  1. You will now be able to edit the Channel name and Description:
The Edit window will appear allowing you to change the name and description for the Teams channel.
  1. Once you have finished click Save.

Create a private channel

The use of Private channels in Microsoft Teams allows you to create separate spaces for collaboration between specific people within a larger team. Only users who are part of the private channel can see the channel.

  1. Repeat the steps to create a channel as per above.
  2. Enter a Channel name and Description.
  3. From the Choose a channel type menu select Private.
  4. Click Create.
  5. You can now Add members to the private channel:
Add members to the Private channel by typing their name or email address.
  1. Type a name or email to search for each member and click Add.
  2. The new private channel will be displayed along with a padlock icon to identify it as a private channel – only members will see it in their channels list:
The new private channel will appear with a lock icon next to it.

Delete a channel

When you delete a channel in Microsoft Teams, you will lose the entire conversation history. All files which have been uploaded within a channel are still accessible via Microsoft SharePoint even after a channel has been deleted. Team owners can decide if members can delete and/or restore channels.

To delete a channel in Microsoft Teams:

  1. Locate the channel in the middle pane.
  2. Click the ellipsis button (…) and choose Delete channel.
From the menu select the Delete channel option.
  1. You will now see a message asking you to confirm you want to delete the channel:
  2. Click Delete.
  3. The channel will now be removed from the team.

Restore a deleted channel

If you or another member have accidentally deleted a channel, you can restore it.

  1. Locate the Team in the middle pane.
  2. Click the ellipsis button (…) and choose Manage Team.
  3. Click the Channels tab.
  4. You should see a list of channels.
  5. Click the More button and choose Deleted:
Click the More button to view the other options and select Deleted.
  1. Any deleted channels will be listed.
  2. Click the Restore button on the right-hand side.
  3. You will be prompted to confirm you want to restore the channel, click Restore.
  4. The channel will be displayed once again in the Team.

Creating channels in Microsoft Teams is an essential skill for keeping team communication organised and efficient. Whether you’re setting up standard channels for open collaboration, private channels for sensitive discussions, or shared channels for cross-functional teamwork, understanding each type can help you make the most of your Teams environment.

For more helpful Microsoft Teams posts check out:


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