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The best Microsoft Teams keyboard shortcuts

If you are using Microsoft Teams then you will want to stick around and find out about some time saving keyboard shortcuts you can use within the Teams desktop app. Keyboard shortcuts are not just for Word, Excel or PowerPoint. Microsoft Teams has a great range of shortcuts to improve your productivity.

The key to learning any new keyboard shortcut is consistency. It takes a commitment to give your mouse a rest, and keep your hands on the keyboard wherever possible. By doing so you reduce the amount of movement between the keyboard and mouse and therefore improve your workflow.

Below is a list of my favourite Teams keyboard shortcuts. Don’t worry about writing these ones down, you can receive a PDF copy of all keyboard shortcut lists at the bottom of this post. That includes shortcuts for Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook and Word.

My Favourite Teams Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut KeysDescription
Ctrl + NStart a new Chat
Ctrl + Shift + NPop out a new Chat
Ctrl + EGo to the Search bar
Ctrl + ,Open Settings
Ctrl + /Show commands
Ctrl + =Zoom In
Ctrl + –Zoom Out
Ctrl + EnterSend a message
Ctrl + Shift + AAccept a Video Call
Ctrl + Shift + DDecline a Video Call
Ctrl + 1Open 1st app on App bar
Ctrl + 2Open 2nd app on App bar
Ctrl + 3Open 3rd app on App bar
Ctrl + 4Open 4th app on App bar
Ctrl + 5Open 5th app on App bar
Ctrl + 6Open 6th app on App bar
Ctrl + 7Open 7th app on App bar
Ctrl + BApply Bold formatting to text
Ctrl + IApply Italics formatting to text
Ctrl + UApply Underline formatting to text

To see a full list of all shortcuts available in Teams, use the F1 key to access the built-in Microsoft Teams Help feature and search for “keyboard shortcuts”.

Be sure to check out my other posts for keyboard shortcuts to use in Microsoft Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word,

Receive a Printable Copy

If you would like a printable copy of all my favourite keyboard shortcuts, simply subscribe to our newsletter below and a copy will be emailed to you.


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