Free Online Microsoft Training

Free tips and tricks for using Microsoft Office and Windows

Free Online Microsoft Training

Free tips and tricks for using Microsoft Office and Windows

Save time! Pin a file to the Open list in Microsoft Office

Save time! Pin a file to the Open list in Microsoft Office

At the start of every training course, I show participants through a few really useful features of the Microsoft 365 programs. These features help save you time during a busy workday. One such feature is AutoCorrect, another is the ability to pin a file or folder permanently into the Open or Save list. This wonderful […]

The best keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Outlook

The Best Keyword Shortcuts for Outlook

Anyone who has ever attended training with me, or even anyone who has read my other “shortcut key” posts, will know that I am a big fan of keyboard shortcuts. Anything that can improve efficiency and workflow is a good thing in my books. Because I often find myself multi-tasking on the computer, I tend […]

The best keyboard shortcuts for PowerPoint

The Best Keyword Shortcuts for PowerPoint

If you’ve read a few of my posts, you may have noticed that I’m a fan of efficiency. If there is an option to do something faster in any of the Microsoft programs then I use it. During any of my training courses, I spend a good slice of time at the beginning showing participants […]

The best keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word

The best shortcuts for Microsoft Word

Today I am going to show you the best keyboard shortcuts for use in Microsoft Word. You may have noticed that I’m a fan of efficiency. If there is an option to do something faster in any of the Microsoft programs then I use it. During any of my training courses, I spend a good […]