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Free tips and tricks for using Microsoft Office and Windows

Free Online Microsoft Training

Free tips and tricks for using Microsoft Office and Windows

How to use Flash Fill in Excel

How to use Flash Fill in Excel

Flash Fill in Excel is by far one of my favourite Excel features. Learning how to use Flash Fill in Excel should be on everyone’s to do list. It is one of those features which amazes participants during any of my Excel training courses and it’s the most frequent feature that people come back and […]

How to sort data in Excel

How to sort data in Excel

One of the first features that many users begin using is the ability to sort data in Excel. Being able to automatically have your data displayed in a specific order, whether that be number, alphabetical or date order, is a huge time saver. Excel allows you to sort by one column at a time or […]

How to use Countif in Excel

How to use Countif in Excel

When working with a large amount of data in Excel, you may find yourself needing to count the number of records which meet a specific criteria. This is when the Excel Countif function is going to save you a lot of time. Let’s take a look at how the Excel Countif function works and how […]

Embed Excel in a Word document

Embed Excel in a Word document

Did you know that you can insert Excel into Word? That’s right, you can have the functionality of an Excel worksheet sitting inside your Word document. This is one of the many functions that I find people aren’t aware of. Microsoft Office provides a few options surrounding this function. You can select how the file […]

The best keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel

The best keyboard shortcuts in Excel

Want to become more efficient using Excel? Let me show you the best keyboard shortcuts in Excel. Anyone who has ever attended training with me, or even anyone who has read my other “shortcut key” posts, should know that I am a big fan of shortcuts. Anything that can improve efficiency and workflow is a […]

How to disable the Start Screen at startup in Office programs

How to disable the Start Screen at startup in Office programs

In recent versions of the Microsoft Office programs, users now see a Start screen appear when any of the programs are launched. This Start Screen gives you quick access to various functions such as any recent files you have opened and the ability to choose a new blank document or file or various templates which […]

How to open any Microsoft 365 program

How to open any Microsoft 365 program

For those starting out using Microsoft Office and even for those familiar with the programs, our computers can sometimes be a treasure trove full of so many programs that it’s impossible to find the one we want. Being able to open any Microsoft Office program can sometimes take longer than it should. The vast majority […]

How to use the AutoFill tool in Excel

How to use the AutoFill tool in Excel

Of all the features available within Microsoft Excel, the AutoFill tool has to be high up on the list of those used most frequently. Often though the AutoFill feature is underutilised and users do not know the full potential of this nifty little tool. In this post, I will give you an introduction to the […]

Convert workbooks to the latest file format in Excel

Convert workbooks to the latest file format in Excel

A common question I see during training is “Why do my files say [Compatibility Mode] in the title bar area?” and this is a good question. Today I want to explain Compatibility Mode and file formats in relation to Microsoft Excel. To understand compatibility mode and how we fix this you need to understand file […]

Customise a Sparkline in Excel

Customise a Sparkline in Excel

So you’ve discovered Sparklines in Microsoft Excel and now you want to jazz them up? You’ve come to the right place. In my previous post (link here) I outlined what a Sparkline was and how to insert one into your worksheet. Now let’s look at how to customise a sparkline. Sparkline Tools Once you have […]