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How to embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint

Wondering how to embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint slides? Check out these quick tips to allow you to insert a video into PowerPoint slides with ease.

Presentations have become much more dynamic, interactive and most importantly, engaging. Part of this engagement can be created by incorporating various types of media into a presentation slide show. The use of video and animations to give additional information, or further enhance the information already provided can mean the difference between having the audience take a nap, or sit up and pay attention.

Online video sources such as YouTube and Vimeo can be a great tool to allow you to add media content to any presentation. Whilst you can insert your own video into any presentation, this method will increase the file size of your presentation, however by using content stored online you can help keep your file sizes small. If you are wanting to use your own video content but are conscience of your file size, upload your own content to YouTube and embed it back into PowerPoint.

There are two ways to include an online video in your own Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. I will show you how to use both methods below. Bare in mind that both methods will require you to have an active internet connection at the time of viewing the presentation. You are linking to the video on the YouTube website, not making a local copy of your own.

Insert a video into PowerPoint

  1. Open YouTube and locate a video you wish to use within your presentation.
  2. Locate the Share button:
Embed a YouTube Video in PPT
  1. From the Share options, select Embed.
Embed a YouTube Video in PPT
  1. The embed code should now be displayed and begins with the code “<iframe.
  2. Copy the code provided (Ctrl + C on the keyboard).
  3. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and open the file you wish to include the video in, or just create a new blank presentation to experiment with.
  4. Select Insert > Video > Online Video from the Ribbon:
Embed a YouTube Video in PPT
  1. The Insert Video window will appear:
Embed a YouTube Video in PPT
  1. Place your cursor in the text box labelled Paste embed code here and paste in the code (Ctrl + V on the keyboard).
  2. Press Enter on the keyboard.
  3. The video will now be embedded in the slide.
  4. To view the video, right mouse click the video and select Preview, or click Play from the Video Tools tab.
  5. You can resize and move the video just as you would any other element on the slide.

Embed a video direct from YouTube

  1. Open Microsoft PowerPoint and open the file you wish to include the video in, or just create a new blank presentation to experiment with.
  2. Select Insert > Video > Online Video from the Ribbon:
Embed a YouTube Video in PPT
  1. The Insert Video window will appear:
Embed a YouTube Video in PPT
  1. Place your cursor in the text box labelled Search YouTube.
  2. Enter a keyword or search phrase for the type of video you wish to embed.
  3. Press Enter on the keyboard.
  4. A gallery of videos will be displayed:
Embed a YouTube Video in PPT
  1. Select the video you wish to embed and then click the Insert button.
  2. The video will now be embedded in the slide.
  3. Repeat the steps as per above to preview, resize or move the video.

I hope this has given you some easy steps on how to embed a video from YouTube into your Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. If you have any questions please let me know.


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