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The best keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel Courses

Want to become more efficient using Excel? Let me show you the best keyboard shortcuts in Excel. Anyone who has ever attended training with me, or even anyone who has read my other “shortcut key” posts, should know that I am a big fan of shortcuts. Anything that can improve efficiency and workflow is a good thing in my books. Because I often multi-task on the computer, I tend to use many of these shortcut keys on a very regular basis.

If you plan to start using keyboard shortcuts, start small. Don’t try to memorise them all in one go. Break them down into a hand full of the shortcuts you think you will use most often. Once you have those locked into memory then identify the next group and continue until you have mastered shortcuts like a pro!

Below is a list of my favourite shortcuts to use in Microsoft Excel. Don’t worry about writing these ones down, you can receive a PDF copy of all keyboard shortcut lists at the bottom of this post.

My Favourite Shortcut Keys

Shortcut KeysDescription
Ctrl + NCreate a New workbook
Ctrl + OOpen an existing workbook
Ctrl + F12Display the Open dialog box
Ctrl + SSave current workbook
Ctrl + PPrint current workbook
Ctrl + WClose current workbook
Ctrl + ASelect entire worksheet
Ctrl + ZUndo. Undo. Undo. Need I say more?
Ctrl + YRedo the last action
Ctrl + XCut
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + BApply Bold formatting
Ctrl + IApply Italics formatting
Ctrl + UApply Underline formatting
Ctrl + FFind text or formatting within the current workbook
Ctrl + HFind and replace text or formatting within the current workbook
Ctrl + GUse the Go To feature
Ctrl + KInsert a hyperlink
Ctrl + EFlash Fill
Ctrl + 1Display the Format Cells dialog box
AltTurn KeyTips on and off
TABMove one cell to the right
Ctrl + mouse wheelScroll the mouse wheel up to zoom in and down to zoom out
Alt + TabSwitch between open program windows
F1Launch Help
F2Edit the current cell
F4Repeat the last action
F7Spell Check
F11Create a chart from current data
F12Save As
Ctrl + HomeMove the cursor to cell A1
Ctrl + EndMove the cursor to last cell containing data
Ctrl + Shift + ~Apply a General Number format
Ctrl + Shift + $Apply a Currency Number format
Ctrl + Shift + %Apply a Percentage Number format
Ctrl + Space BarSelect current column
Shift+ Space BarSelect current row
Shift + HomeHighlight from the current cell back to column A of the row
Ctrl + Shift + HomeHighlight from the current cell back to cell A1
Ctrl + Shift + EndHighlight from the current cell to the last cell containing data
Ctrl + Page UPMove between worksheets (Right to Left)
Ctrl + Page DownMove between worksheets (Left to Right)

That’s the list of my favourite shortcuts in Excel. To see a full list of all shortcuts available in Excel, use the F1 key to access the built-in Microsoft Excel Help feature and search for keyboard shortcuts.

Be sure to check out my other posts for keyboard shortcuts to use in Microsoft OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint and Word,

I love hearing about shortcut combinations that other people use so feel free to comment below if you have a favourite combination not listed here.

Receive a Printable Copy

If you would like a printable copy of all my favourite keyboard shortcuts, simply subscribe to our newsletter below and a copy will be emailed to you.


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